The motor demand growth will tend to support the rare earth magnetic material production |
Date:2013-01-23 Views:3206 |
According to the research released by Freedonia group, with the large-scale application of American Motors in the field of vehicles and machinery, the demand is expected to increase by 5.4% from 2013 to 2018, with a market value of 16.2 billion US dollars. The automotive sector will be the industry with the fastest growing demand and the largest motor consumer market in the United States. Growing car production, coupled with the rise of hybrid vehicles, will continue to drive demand. Motors are widely used in automobile industry, mainly including NdFeB magnetic materials. Typically, these motors are used in brake anti lock systems, automatic transmission systems, water and fuel pumps, engine cooling fans, and windshield wipers. Marketsanmarkets, another research institution, recently predicted that the demand for rare earth magnetic materials would grow at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2013 to 2018. According to feedonia, the machinery market will also drive the growth of motor demand. High voltage alternating current (HVAC) engine demand will also increase under the stimulation of greater construction expenditure. But U.S. market research companies say that OEMs will need more efficient engines with higher value. The use of smaller and more powerful electric motors will be the development direction of more efficient equipment, but also conducive to the use of strong rare earth permanent magnet materials. Luxury cars, for example, tend to use more small motors. Freedonia, however, has also warned that OEMs are putting pressure on suppliers to secure competitive prices, as well as importing cheap motors from abroad. China is still the main supplier of various types of motors, including rare earth magnetic materials, and has strong competitiveness. The demand of alternating current (AC) motor grows faster than that of direct current (DC) motor and occupies a larger market share. Sales are expected to reach $9.6 billion in 2018. Rare earth permanent magnet materials can be used in some DC and AC motors. Freedonia analyst Lee Steinbock said electric vehicles are expected to account for about a third of the dollar revenue from AC motors, driven mainly by increased hybrid and electric vehicle (HEV) production. Hybrid electric vehicles are powered by an integral horsepower (IHP) AC synchronous motor, so these vehicles will be the fastest registered type to date. He also said that increasing the output of high-voltage AC equipment and machines will promote the users of AC motors, which will also lead to further increase in demand. The demand for DC motors is expected to reach $6.7 billion by 2018. These motors are widely used in the field of transportation. Suppliers will benefit from increasing automotive and aerospace output as well as other non automotive transportation equipment manufacturing. |