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How to measure the magnetic level
Date:2015-08-03    Views:2170
There are three main parameters: remanence Br (Residual Induction), unit of Gauss, from saturated state after removal of magnetic field, the rest of the magnetic flux density, on behalf of foreign can provide the magnet magnetic field strength; Oersteds Coercive Force Hc (Coercive Force), unit, is to put the magnets in a reverse adscititious magnetic field, when applied magnetic field increases to a certain intensity magnet magnetic disappears, the resistance and the ability of the magnetic field is called the Coercive Force, represents a measure of resistance to demagnetization ability; Gauss - Oersteds magnetic energy product BHmax, unit, is material produced by the magnetic energy per unit volume, how much is the magnet can store energy of a physical quantity.

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